Hi, which deluxe villas will be closer to the beach or has direct beach access within 10ft-20ft distance?
from the map, out of 105 to 134 villas, does any have direct beach access or beach access within 10-20ft? Thank you!
Villas with the best beach on the island for sure is 101-105. We request them before going and if we go back again will be 101-105
No directly access but no more than 30-40 meteres.
We stayed water villa. However Villa s 222/231 have direct access and few others too .
Hi. Almost all of the Villa’s have direct access: 231 to 222 do as do 215 through to 117 - 117 to 101 do but not as good as the others. If I were going back, I would request rooms 230, 229, 226 and 225 are great ones. As are 201 to 215 but don’t think they are not delux. Also 125 is on the other side of the island and better for snorkelling.
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